The APC Directory
The Alternative Press Center (APC) publishes the Alternative Press Index (API), a unique and comprehensive guide to the alternative press in English, French and Spanish. The API provides access to articles from 300 magazines, newspapers and academic journals. Since 1969, the API has indexed 948 periodical titles, whose publication details are available in the listing here.
- S!Paz Report
- SageWoman: Celebrating the Goddess in Every Woman
- SAMAR: South Asian Magazine for Action & Reflection
- San Francisco Bay Guardian
- Science & Society: An Independent Journal of Marxism
- Science as Culture
- Shambhala Sun
- Shelterforce: The Journal of Affordable Housing Strategies
- Siempre
- Sierra Magazine
- Social Anarchism: A Magazine of Current Anarchist Writing
- Social Justice: A Journal of Crime, Conflict, and World Order
- Social Policy: The Magazine About Movements
- Social Semiotics: A Transdisciplinary Journal in Functional Linguistics, Semiotics and Critical Theory
- Social Text
- Socialism and Democracy
- Socialist Affairs: The Journal of the Socialist International
- Socialist Register
- Socialist Renewal
- Socialist Viewpoint: News and Analysis for Working People
- Souls: A Critical Journal of Black Politics, Culture, and Society
- Southern Communities
- Southern Exposure: A Journal of Politics & Culture
- Spokesman
- St. Louis Journalism Review: A Critique of Metropolitan Media and Events
- Studies in Marxism
- Studies in Political Economy: A Socialist Review
- Sun: A Magazine of Ideas
- Sustainable Transport