The APC Directory
The Alternative Press Center (APC) publishes the Alternative Press Index (API), a unique and comprehensive guide to the alternative press in English, French and Spanish. The API provides access to articles from 300 magazines, newspapers and academic journals. Since 1969, the API has indexed 948 periodical titles, whose publication details are available in the listing here.
- Race & Class: A Journal of Race, Empire and Globalization
- Race Traitor: Treason to Whiteness is Loyalty to Humanity
- Race, Gender & Class: Intersection, Analysis, and Perspective
- Rachel's Environment & Health Weekly: Providing News and Resources for Environmental Justice
- Radical History Review
- Radical Philosophy: A Journal of Socialist and Feminist Philosophy
- Radical Philosophy Review: A Journal of Progressive Thought
- Radical Society: Review of Culture and Politics
- Radical Teacher: A Socialist and Feminist Journal on the Theory and Practice of Teaching
- Ragged Edge
- Realidad Econòmica: Revista de economia
- Red Pepper: The Magazine for Free Radicals
- Regional Labor Review
- Residents' Journal: A Publication For and By the Residents of the Chicago Housing Authority
- Rethinking Marxism: A Journal of Economics, Culture, and Society
- Rethinking Schools: An Urban Educational Journal
- Review: A Journal of the Fernand Braudel Center
- Review of African Political Economy
- Review of Radical Political Economics
- Rockrgrl: Supporting a woman's right to rock