The APC Directory
The Alternative Press Center (APC) publishes the Alternative Press Index (API), a unique and comprehensive guide to the alternative press in English, French and Spanish. The API provides access to articles from 300 magazines, newspapers and academic journals. Since 1969, the API has indexed 948 periodical titles, whose publication details are available in the listing here.
- A/J: Alternatives Journal: Canadia's Environmental Voice
- Abafazi: The Simmons College Journal of Women of African Descent
- Adbusters: A Journal of the Mental Environment
- Advocate: The National Gay & Lesbian Newsmagazine
- Against the Current
- Altar Magazine: a forum for critical thought, coalition building, artistic creativity, and activism
- Alternative Libertaire
- Alternative Press Review: Your Guide Beyond the Mainstream
- Alternatives: Global, Local, Political
- Alternatives Economiques
- Amass
- American Atheist: A Journal of Atheist News and Thought
- American Prospect
- Anarchist Studies
- Anarcho-Syndicalist Review
- Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed
- Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography
- Archipielago
- AREA Chicago: Art/Research/Education/Activism
- Arena Journal
- Arena Magazine: The Australian Magazine of Left Political, Social and Cultural Commentary
- Asheville Global Report
- Asian Journal of Women's Studies
- Asian Labour Update
- Atlantis: A Women's Studies Journal
- Aufheben
- Australian Feminist Studies