The APC Directory
The Alternative Press Center (APC) publishes the Alternative Press Index (API), a unique and comprehensive guide to the alternative press in English, French and Spanish. The API provides access to articles from 300 magazines, newspapers and academic journals. Since 1969, the API has indexed 948 periodical titles, whose publication details are available in the listing here.
- Cahiers Marxistes
- Camera Obscura: Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies
- Canadian Dimension: For People Who Want to Change the World
- Canadian Women's Health Network
- Canadian Women's Studies/Les cahiers de la femme
- Capital & Class
- Capitalism, Nature, Socialism: A Journal of Socialist Ecology
- Catalyst: A Journal of Theory & Strategy
- Catalyst: Voices of Chicago School Reform
- Centres of Excellence for Women's Health Research Bulletin
- CENTRO Journal: Journal of the Center for Puerto Rican Studies
- Chain Reaction: The National Magazine of Friends of the Earth Australia
- Challenge: A Magazine Covering the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
- Chartist: For Democratic Socialism
- Chiapas
- Chicago Reporter
- Cineaste: America's Leading Magazine on the Art and Politics of the Cinema
- City Limits: New York's Urban Affairs News Magazine
- Clamor: New Perspectives on Politics, Culture, Media and Life
- Claridad
- Claves de Razón Práctica
- Co-op America Quarterly
- ColorLines: Race Culture Action
- Communities: Journal of Cooperative Living
- Community Media Review: The Journal of the Alliance for Community Media
- Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East
- Conscience: The Newsjournal of Catholic Opinion
- Conservation In Practice: A Publication of the Society for Conservation Biology
- Conservation Magazine
- Constellations: An International Journal of Critical and Democratic Theory
- Corporate Crime Reporter
- Counterpoise: For Social Responsibilities, Liberty and Dissent
- CounterPunch: Tells the Facts and Names the Names
- CovertAction Quarterly
- Critical Arts: A Journal of South-North Cultural and Media Studies
- Critical Asian Studies
- Critical Planning
- Critical Sociology
- Critique: Journal of Socialist Theory
- Critique: Critical Middle Eastern Studies
- Critique of Anthropology
- CUBA Update
- Cultural Critique
- Cultural Studies: Theorizing Politics, Politicizing Theory
- Cultural Survival Quarterly: World Report on the Rights, Voices and Visions of Indigenous Peoples
- Culture Change