Zona Abierta
- Publisher
- http://www.fpabloiglesias.es
Editor Information
- Editors
- Ludolfo Paramio
- Editorial Staff
- fpi@infornet.es
- http://www.fpabloiglesias.es
- Address
- Editorial Pablo Iglesias, c/ Monte Esquinza, 30 Madrid 28010 ES
- Phone
- 91 310 46 96
- Fax
- 91 319 45 85
Subscriber Information
- Total Circulation
- 0
- Circulation Region
- Subs – Individual
- 19,23 Eu
- Subs – Institutional
- Subs – Foreign Individual
- Subs – Foreign Institutional
- Subscription Address
- US
- Subscription Phone
- Subscription Fax
APC Information
- Listed Since
- Readership
- Reseachers and general readers interested in political science and social theory
- Reviewed In