Women & Therapy: A Feminist Quarterly
- Publisher
- Taylor & Francis Online
- http://www.tandfonline.com
Editor Information
- Editors
- Ellyn Kaschak
- Editorial Staff
- Associate Editor: Debra Kawahara
- Address
- Psychology Department, San Jose State University San Jose, CA 95192 US
- Phone
- Fax
Subscriber Information
- Total Circulation
- 0
- Circulation Region
- international
- Subs – Individual
- $75
- Subs – Institutional
- $200; libraries/subscription agencies: $450
- Subs – Foreign Individual
- Canada: US$101.25 + GST + province tax (where necessary); elsewhere: US$108.75
- Subs – Foreign Institutional
- Canada: US$270 + GST + province tax (where necessary); elsewhere: US$290; libraries/subscription agencies: Canada: US$607.50 + GST + province tax (where necessary), elsewhere: US$652.50
- Subscription Address
- 10 Alice Street Binghamton, NY 13904 US
- Subscription Phone
- 800-429-6784, 6
- Subscription Fax
- 800-895-0582, 6
APC Information
- Listed Since
- 1982
- 0270-3149
- 6394106
- Readership
- Researchers interested in women and therapy
- Reviewed In
- LaGuardia, Cheryl, Bill Katz and Linda Sternberg Katz. Magazines for Libraries, 12th ed. New Providence, NJ: Bowker, 2003.
- Library Journal (June 15, 1989): 86.