Theory and Society: Renewal and Critique in Social Theory
- Publisher
- Kluwer Academic Publishers
Editor Information
- Editors
- Rogers Brubaker, Bob Connell, Anthony Giddens, Martin Jay, Chandra Mukerji, Richard Swedberg, Ivan Szelenyi, Charles Tilly, Vera Zolberg, Sharon Zukin
- Editorial Staff
- Executive Editor: Janet Gouldner; Managing Editor: Karen Lucas; Assistant Managing Editor: Zach Schiller; Book Review Editors: Carl Boggs, Richard Colignon, David Swartz; Editorial Associates: Jaime Becker, Michael Flota, Janet Gouldner, Jonathan Isler, J. Zach Schiller, Clare Stacey, Magdalena Vanya, Eric Baumer, Rita Csapo Sweet, Don Conway-Long, Darlaine Gardetto, Ruth Iyob, Victoria Johnson, Karen Lucas, Debin Ma, Dennis Mares, Jody Miller, Gerda Ray, Paul Roth, Nicholas Sammond, Charles Shannon, Maryska Suda, Chikako Usui
- Address
- Janet Gouldner, Center for History, Society and Culture, One Shields Ave., University of California-Davis Davis, CA 95616 US
- Phone
- Fax
Subscriber Information
- Total Circulation
- 0
- Circulation Region
- Subs – Individual
- 176 Euro
- Subs – Institutional
- 603 Euro
- Subs – Foreign Individual
- US$176
- Subs – Foreign Institutional
- US$603
- Subscription Address
- Kluwer Academic Publishers PO Box 358, Accord Station, Hingham, MA 02018-0358 US
- Subscription Phone
- Subscription Fax
APC Information
- Listed Since
- 1974
- 0304-2421
- 27420744
- Readership
- Researchers interested in historical sociology and critical social theory
- Reviewed In
- LaGuardia, Cheryl, Bill Katz and Linda Sternberg Katz. Magazines for Libraries, 12th ed. New Providence, NJ: Bowker, 2003.