Public Culture
- Publisher
- Duke University Press
Editor Information
- Editors
- Elizabeth Povinelli
- Editorial Staff
- Executive Editor: Dilip Parameshwar Gaonkar; Editorial Committe: Kyeong-Hee Choi, Robert Gooding-Williams, Claudio Lomnitz, Saba Mahmood, Patchen Markell, Candace Vogler, Lisa Wedeen; Associate Editors: Ackbar Abbas, Lauren Berlant, Michael Fischer, Marilyn Ivy, Achille Mbembe, Lisa Rofel; Managing Editor: Kaylin Goldstein; Manuscript Editor: James Rizzo; Founding Editors: Carol Breckenridge, Arjun Appadurai; Editorial Collective: Nadia Abu El-Haj, Lila Abu-Lughod, Jean-Christophe Angnew, Aijaz Ahmad, Shahid Amin, Kwame Anthony Appiah, Emily Apter, Houston Baker Jr., Homi Bhaba, Svetlana Boym, NÇstor García Canclini, Dipresh Chakrabarty, Jean Comaroff, Victoria de Grazia, Manthia Diawara, Virginia Dominguez, Steven Feld, Allen Feldman, Susan Gal, Michael Geyer, Lawrence Grossberg, Tom Gunning, Michael Hanchard, Ulf Hannerz, Miriam Hansen, Wu Hung, Mary Layoun, Benjamin Lee, Liisa Malkki, Meaghan Morris, V.Y. Mudimbe, Hamid Naficy, Ashis Nandy, John Pemberton, Vicente Rafael, Bruce Robbins, Janet Roitman, Roger Rouse, Michael Shapiro, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Peter Stallybrass, Kathleen Stewart, Susan Stewart, Xiaobing Tang, Michael Taussig, Charles Taylor, Michel-Rolph Trouillot, Katie Trumpener, Peter van der Veer
- Address
- 1010 E 59th Street Chicago, IL 60637 US
- Phone
- 773-702-0814
- Fax
- 773-702-9861
Subscriber Information
- Total Circulation
- 0
- Circulation Region
- international
- Subs – Individual
- $37
- Subs – Institutional
- $124
- Subs – Foreign Individual
- Canada:
- Subs – Foreign Institutional
- Canada:
- Subscription Address
- Duke University Press, Journals Fulfillment, 905 W. Main Street, Suite 18B Durham, NC 27701 US
- Subscription Phone
- 919-687-3602, 8
- Subscription Fax
APC Information
- Listed Since
- 1988
- 0899-2363
- 18040687
- Readership
- Researchers interested in social theories of transnational public culture
- Reviewed In
- Contemporary Sociology 24 (July 1995): 303.
- LaGuardia, Cheryl, Bill Katz and Linda Sternberg Katz. Magazines for Libraries, 12th ed. New Providence, NJ: Bowker, 2003.